Pakistan Red Crescent Society - Empowering Communities for a Better Future
Pakistan Red Crescent Society - Empowering Communities for a Better Future
Pakistan Red Crescent Society - Empowering Communities for a Better Future
Pakistan Red Crescent Society - Empowering Communities for a Better Future
The PRCS Anticipatory Actions Finance-Based Forecasting Program in Pakistan is an innovative initiative that combines weather forecasting, risk analysis, and financial planning to mitigate the impacts of natural disasters.
Program Overview:
The PRCS supported by the German Red Cross and German Federal Foreign Office, implements Anticipatory Action. PRCS has developed Early Action Protocols (EAPs) for Kabul and Indus River basins, enabling proactive flood response measures, funded through IFRC's Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF).
PRCS collaborates with key stakeholders, including Disaster Management Authorities, Pakistan Meteorological Department, Federal Flood Commission, and relevant departments, to enhance disaster preparedness and response through policy advocacy and development of Early Action Protocols (EAPs).
Key Benefits:
1. Mitigate disaster impacts through early actions based on forecasts and risk analysis.
2. Reduce emergency relief costs by acting before disasters strike.
3. Enhance disaster resilience and enable faster responses.
4. Protect livelihoods through timely interventions (cash transfers, asset protection, evacuations).
5. Inform decision-making with forecast-based triggers and data-driven risk analysis.
6. Foster local disaster management skills and self-reliance through community involvement.
7. Minimize displacement, trauma, and social/psychological effects.
Key Achievements:
1. Simplified Early Action Protocol(sEAP) for Kabul River basin, on activation of SEAP early actions can reach up to 37,315 people. For more details click here
2. Pakistan’s 1st National Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action took place in Islamabad on 19-20 December 2023, with the theme, “Together for Scaling Up Anticipatory Action in Pakistan.” For more details click here
3. PRCS has integrated FbF into its Strategy 2025-30 under the Disaster Risk Management Program.
4. Training courses and workshops for capacity building of staff and volunteers on AA at all levels. PRCS also established an FbF Technical Working Group.
5. PRCS is an active member of the National Coordination Forum (NCF) on Anticipatory Action established by National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).
6. For information about PRCS Page on Anticipation Hub Click here
7. A Letter of Agreement has been signed with Pakistan Meteorological Department to strengthening collaboration between PRCS and PMD in the field of Anticipatory Action.
Our Gallery
Activity: Capacity Building Workshop For FbF
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Activity: PRCS FbF Team Meeting With PDMA
Location: Peshawar, KP
Activity: Orientation Of Staff And Volunteers On Data Collection Tools For FbF
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Activity: Orientation On SEAP
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Activity: Capacity Building Workshop On FbF
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Activity: National Dialogue Platform On Anticipatory Actions
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Activity: Capacity Building Workshop For FbF
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Activity: PRCS FbF Team Meeting With PDMA
Location: Peshawar, KP
Activity: Orientation Of Staff And Volunteers On Data Collection Tools For FbF
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Activity: Orientation On SEAP
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Activity: Capacity Building Workshop On FbF
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Activity: National Dialogue Platform On Anticipatory Actions
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Upcoming Events
Christmas Day
The Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) celebrates Christmas Day on December 25 by spreading joy and compassion among the Christian community and beyond. PRCS volunteers distribute gifts, clothes, and food packets to Christian families, orphans, and vulnerable communities. Additionally, free medical camps are set up to provide healthcare services, check-ups, and medicines to those in need.
Upcoming Events
Quaid-e-Azam Day
Quaid-e-Azam Day is a national holiday in Pakistan, observed on December 25, commemorating the birth anniversary of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, also known as Quaid-e-Azam, played a pivotal role in the country's struggle for independence from British colonial rule, and was born on December 25, 1876
Upcoming Events
PRCS Foundation Day
PRCS has worked tirelessly to provide emergency assistance and disaster relief, promote health, safety, and well-being, strengthen community resilience, and foster humanitarian values and volunteerism. The organization offers various services, including blood donation and transfusion, disaster management and response, health services and first aid, and social services and community development.
Upcoming Events
International Migrants Day
International Migrants Day is observed on December 18, recognizing the contributions and struggles of migrants worldwide. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000, this day responds to increasing migration and concerns about migrant rights.
Upcoming Events
Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day is observed annually on December 10, commemorating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. This landmark document established fundamental human rights principles, including equality, justice, and dignity for all, freedom from discrimination, torture, and arbitrary arrest, and the right to life, liberty, and security.
Upcoming Events
International Volunteer Day
International Volunteer Day (IVD) is celebrated on December 5 every year to recognize and appreciate volunteers' contributions worldwide, raise awareness about volunteerism and its impact, and encourage people to volunteer and make a difference.
Upcoming Events
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is observed annually on December 3. This day aims to promote equality, dignity, and inclusion of people with disabilities, raise awareness about disability issues, support accessibility and accessibility technologies, and advocate for disability rights and inclusive development.
Upcoming Events
World Day of Rememberance for Road Traffic Victims
The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is observed annually on the third Sunday of November. This day honors the millions of people killed or injured in road crashes and acknowledges the suffering of their families and communities. The day was first observed in 1995 and was officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in 2005. Its objectives are to pay tribute to road traffic victims and their families.
Upcoming Events
Allama Iqbal Day
Allama Iqbal Day is celebrated on November 9th to honor the birthday of Muhammad Iqbal, a renowned poet, philosopher, and politician who played a pivotal role in the Pakistan Movement. He's often referred to as the "Poet of the East" and is considered one of the founding fathers of Pakistan. Iqbal Day serves as a reminder of Iqbal's importance and his contribution to the Pakistan Movement.
Upcoming Events
Global Hand Washing Day
Handwashing with soap can prevent diarrheal illnesses and respiratory infections, such as the common cold or flu. According to the CDC, washing your hands is one of the simplest and most effective ways to stay health. This day is an opportunity to encourage people to make handwashing a habit, especially at critical times such as after using the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Upcoming Events
International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction is observed annually on October 13. This day is crucial in raising awareness about disaster risk reduction and promoting a global culture of risk-awareness.
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